Access to samples
The contents of the Tayside Biorepository are open to applications from any researcher seeking to utilise banked material
for legitimate purposes. The Bank aims to provide fair access to all in order to maximise public benefit and advance medical
knowledge.The only condition is that a named local (i.e. Tayside) Pathologist and a local Clinician in a relevant speciality
are included on every application, indicating their support. This is to ensure material of the appropriate type and quality is
requested and released. Please note that it does not mean that these individuals must become formal collaborators on a project.
Recognition of any contribution made should be dependent on the level of assistance required and provided. Should an applicant require assistance
in identifying a suitable Tayside pathologist or clinician to assist them then please contact us.
A comprehensive description of the Bank's Access Policy is available on request.
For details on how to submit a request for tissue, or to obtain more information on the services the Tayside Biorepository can provide,
please select the appropriate link:
Tissue Requests | Service Requests.