What is a Biorepository, what is a Tissue Bank?

A Biorepository or Tissue Bank is a collection of tissue and other samples, such as blood, which have been collected from patients with their permission and stored safely so that they are available for use in medical research by doctors and scientists.

How to withdraw your consent

Patients who decide to donate samples and subsequently change their mind can withdraw their consent at any time by contacting either the nurse who originally consented them or emailing or writing to the Tayside Biorepository. On receipt of a patent's written instructions the TBR will withdraw all samples still in storage and dispose of them in an appropriate manner. If consent is withdrawn several months after donation it is possible some of the samples may have already been issued to researchers. The TBR will alert the relevant investigators and request the immediate return of any unused tissue. If a patient expresses specific wishes regarding the disposal of their samples the TBR will try to accommodate those wishes where practicable, in association with Tayside NHS who are responsible for the patient's diagnosis and care.