
Publications to date: 121 (0 since Jan '24)
Posters to date: 25 (0 since Jan '24)

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Patients in Tayside contribute to advances in our understanding of bone marrow diseases

Normal blood formation in the body results from the controlled division of a small group of cells called stem cells within the bone marrow. It is believed that many blood and bone marrow disorders occur due to the uncontrolled division of ‘rogue’ stem cells, which have faulty genes. The result is that abnormal daughter cells that could include cancer cells are produced at the expense of normal blood cells, with symptoms and complications of the illness. Many modern day treatments are good at controlling numbers of abnormal daughter cells. However, getting-rid of ‘rogue’ stem cells is more difficult since these are thought to be present in smaller numbers and often ‘hide’ within the bone marrow to escape the effects of treatment. The control of many bone marrow disorders could be improved if ‘rogue’ stem cells could be clearly identified along with the faulty genes that help them gain an advantage over normal stem cells.

Over the last 3 years, haematologists in Dundee have been working with other national and international research groups to successfully identify faulty genes in two types of bone marrow disorders broadly known as myelodysplasia and chronic myeloproliferation. Identifying these defective genes can now lead to the development of techniques that speed up the diagnosis as well as help us understand factors that influence the progression of these disorders. Also, recently, ‘rogue’ stem cells that cause a particular type of myelodysplasia have been identified, making it possible to begin to develop more precise treatments. The scientific papers resulting from these studies have been published in prestigious medical journals including Blood, The New England Journal of Medicine and Cancer Cell.

These discoveries rely entirely on patients providing human bone marrow and blood specimens for examination since there are no alternative suitable models of these bone marrow disorders that could yield the precise information required for progress in this field. Thanks to the generosity of patients with these disorders attending haematology clinics in Tayside, with their consent, we have created a relatively unique collection of marrow and blood specimens in the Tayside Biorepository that has enabled important questions about these rare illnesses to be addressed resulting in further progress in this field. Dr Sudhir Tauro, Consultant Haematologist in Dundee and co-author on the papers.

The collection has been support by the Leukaemia Research Fund (now called Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research) and Tayside Leukaemia Research Endowment Fund.


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Quantitative proteomics in resected renal cancer tissue for biomarker discovery andprofiling

A Atrih, MA V Mudaliar, P Zakikhani, D Lamont, J T-J Huang, S E Bray, G Barton, S Fleming and G Nabi.

Br J Cancer. 2014 Mar 18;110(6):1622-33. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2014.24. Epub 2014 Feb 18.

Modulation of p53b and p53y expression by regulating the alternative splicing of TP53 gene modifies cellular response

V Marcel, K Fernandes, O Terrier, D P Lane and J-C Bourdon

Cell Death & Differentiation , (13 June 2014) | doi:10.1038/cdd.2014.73

NOTCH1 Mutations Occur Early during Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinogenesis

South AP, Purdie KJ, Watt SA, Haldenby S, den Breems NY, Dimon M, Arron ST, Kluk MJ, Aster JC, McHugh A, Xue DJ, Dayal JH, Robinson KS, Rizvi SM, Proby CM, Harwood CA, Leigh IM.

Invest Dermatol. 2014 Mar 24. doi: 10.1038/jid.2014.154. [Epub ahead of print]

Identification of sVSG117 as an immunodiagnostic antigen and evaluation of a dual-antigen lateral flow test for the diagnosis of human African trypanosomiasis.

Sullivan L, Fleming J, Sastry L, Mehlert A, Wall SJ, Ferguson MA.

PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Jul 17;8(7):e2976. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002976. eCollection 2014.

In vivo gene silencing following non-invasive siRNA delivery into the skin using a novel topical formulation

Vikas Hegdea, Robyn P. Hickersona, Sitheswaran Nainamalaia, Paul A. Campbell, Frances J.D. Smith, W.H. Irwin McLean, Deena M. Leslie Pedrioli

J Controlled Release

Predictive Gene Signatures: Molecular Markers Distinguishing Colon Adenomatous Polyp and Carcinoma

Janice E. Drew, Andrew J. Farquharson, Claus Dieter Mayer, Hollie F. Vase, Philip J. Coates, Robert J. Steele, Francis A. Carey.

PLoS One

Filaggrin-stratified transcriptomic analysis of pediatric skin identifies mechanistic pathways in patients with atopic dermatitis

C Cole, K Kroboth, NJ Schurch, A Sandilands

J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Jul;134(1):82-91. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2014.04.021. Epub 2014 May 28.

Myelodysplastic Syndromes Are Propagated by Rare and Distinct Human Cancer Stem Cells In Vivo

PS Woll, U Kjällquist, O Chowdhury, H Doolittle et al

Cancer Cell. 2014 Jun 16;25(6):794-808. doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2014.03.036. Epub 2014 May 15.

The effect of 222 nm UVC phototesting on healthy volunteer skin: A pilot study

JA Woods, A Evans, PD Forbes, PJ Coates, J Gardner R M Valentine, SH Ibbotson, J Ferguson, C Fricker and H Moseley

Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine

A Data Standard for Sourcing Fit-for-Purpose Biological Samples in an Integrated Virtual Network of Biobanks

PR. Quinlan, G Mistry, H Bullbeck

Biopreserv Biobank. 2014 Jun;12(3):184-91. doi: 10.1089/bio.2013.0089. Epub 2014 Apr 30.

Evidence for aldosterone-dependent growth of renal cell carcinoma

Sharon King, Susan Bray, Sarah Galbraith, Lesley Christie and Stewart Fleming

International J of Experimental Pathology 2014 Aug;95(4):244-50. doi: 10.1111/iep.12074

The diverse oncogenic and tumour suppressor roles of p63 and p73 in cancer: a review by cancer site.

Orzol P, Holcakova J, Nekulova M, Nenutil R, Vojtesek B, Coates PJ.

Histol Histopathol.

Improved Annotation of 3 Untranslated Regions and Complex Loci by Combination of Strand-Specific Direct RNA Sequencing, RNA-Seq and ESTs

NJ Schurch, C Cole, A Sherstnev, J Song, C Duc, KG Storey, WHI McLean, SJ Brown, GG Simpson, GJ Barton

PLoS ONE (2014) 9(4): e94270. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094270

Mutant p53 accumulation in human breast cancer is not an intrinsic property nor dependent on structural or functional disruption but is regulated by exogenous stress and receptor status.

Pavla Bouchalova, Rudolf Nenutil, Petr Muller, Roman Hrstka, M. Virginia Appleyard, Karen Murray, Lee B. Jordan, Colin A. Purdie, Philip Quinlan, Alastair M. Thompson, Borivoj Vojtesek and Philip J. Coates.

J Pathology (2014) DOI: 10.1002/path.4356 2014 Mar 28. [Epub ahead of print]

Humanization of the mouse mammary gland by replacement of the luminal layer with genetically-engineered preneoplastic human cells.

Verbeke S, Richard E,Monceau E, Schmidt X, Rousseau B, Velasco V, Bernard D, Bonnefoi H, MacGrogan G, Iggo RD.

Breast Cancer Res.

Expression of CXCL10 is associated with response to radiotherapy and overall survival in squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue

Rentoft M, Coates PJ, Loljung L, Wilms T, Laurell G, Nylander K

Tumour Biol. 2014 May;35 (5):4191-8. doi: 10.1007/s13277-013-1549-6. Epub 2014 Jan 7.

Heritability of variation in glycaemic response to metformin: a genome-wide complex trait analysis

K Zhou, L Donnelly, J Yang, M Li, H Deshmukh, N Van Zuydam, E Ahlqvist,C C Spencer, L Groop, A D Morris, H M Colhoun, P C Sham, M I McCarthy, C N A Palmer, E R Pearson

The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology (2014), 19 Mar doi 10.1016/S2213-8587(14)70050-6[Epub ahead of print]

Combined information from Raman spectroscopy and optical coherence tomography for enhanced diagnostic accuracy in tissue discrimination

Praveen C. Ashok ; Bavishna B. Praveen ; Nicola Bellini ; Andrew Riches ; Kishan Dholakia ; C. Simon Herrington

Proc. SPIE 8939, Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy VI: Advances in Research and Industry, 89390L (March 4, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2039855

Lack of correlation of stem cell markers in breast cancer stem cells

Y Liu, R Nenutil, M V Appleyard, K Murray, M Boylan, A M Thompson and P J Coates

British Journal of Cancer (2014)110(8):2063-71. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2014.105. Epub 2014 Feb 27.

Development of a fiber based Raman probe compatible with interventional magnetic resonance imaging

Praveen C. Ashok ; Bavishna B. Praveen ; Martin Rube ; Benjamin Cox ; Andreas Melzer ; Kishan Dholakia

Proc. SPIE 8935, Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems XII, 89351J (February 27, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2039805

Is there a pAkt between VEGF and oral cancer cell migration?

MR Islam, SJ Jones, M Macluskey, IR Ellis

Cell Signal (2014) Jun;26(6):1294-302. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2014.02.004. Epub 2014 Feb 19.

Can additional histopathological examination of ultrasound-guided axillary lymph node core biopsies improve preoperative diagnosis of primary breast cancer nodal metastasis?

R. Mullen, C.A. Purdie, L.B. Jordan, D. McLean, P. Whelehan, S. Vinnicombe, D.C. Brown, A. Evans

Clinical Radiology (2013) Mar 19. doi: 10.1016/j.crad.2013.01.020. [Epub ahead of print]

Improved annotation of 3 prime untranslated regions and complex loci by combination of strand specific Direct RNA Sequencing, RNA seq and ESTs

Nick Schurch, Christian Cole, Alexander Sherstnev, Junfang Song, Céline Duc, Kate G. Storey, W. H. Irwin McLean, Sara J. Brown, Gordon G. Simpson, Geoffrey J. Barton

PLoS One. 2014 Apr 10;9(4):e94270. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094270. eCollection 2014.

p53 and cell cycle independent dysregulation of autophagy in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

M J Groves, C E Johnson, J James, A R Prescott, J Cunningham, S Haydock, C Pepper, C Fegan, L Pirrie, N J Westwood, P J Coates, I G Ganley and S Tauro.

British Journal of Cancer (2013) Oct 29;109(9):2434-44. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.601. Epub 2013 Oct 3

Multi-modal approach using Raman spectroscopy and optical coherence tomography for the discrimination of colonic adenocarcinoma from normal colon.

PC Ashok, BB Praveen, N Bellini, A Riches, K Dholakia, CS Herrington.

Biomed Opt Express. 2013 Sep 16;4(10):2179-86. doi: 10.1364/BOE.4.002179. eCollection 2013.

Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 Interacts with 8-Methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and Influences Psoralen-Ultraviolet A (PUVA) Sensitivity

YY Deeni, SH Ibbotson, JA Woods, CR Wolf, G Smith.

PLoS One. 2013 Sep 23;8(9):e75494. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075494. eCollection 2013

ERb1 represses basal-like breast cancer epithelial to mesenchymal transition by destabilizing EGFR.

Thomas C, Rajapaksa G, Nikolos F, Hao R, Katchy A, McCollum CW, Bondesson M, Quinlan P, Thompson A, Krishnamurthy S, Esteva FJ, Gustafsson JA.

Breast Cancer Res. 2012 Nov 16;14(6):R148. doi: 10.1186/bcr3358

Signalling pathways in succinate dehydrogenase B associated renal carcinoma

S Fleming, NJ Mayer, LJ Vlatkovic, J McLean.

Histopathology (2014) Mar;64(4):477-83. doi: 10.1111/his.12250. [Epub 2013 Nov 18].

Characterization of specific p63 and p63-N-terminal isoform antibodies and their application for immunohistochemistry

Nekulova M, Holcakova J, Nenutil R, Stratmann R, Bouchalova P, Müller P, Mouková L, Coates PJ, Vojtesek B.

Virchows Arch. 2013 Sep;463(3):415-25. doi: 10.1007/s00428-013-1459-4. Epub 2013 Jul 26.

Azacitidine-eligibility in higher-risk myelodysplastic syndromes and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia: a registry-based study.

Durairaj S, Keenan N, Hyslop A, Groves MJ, Bowen DT, Tauro S.

Br J Haematol. 2013 Apr;161(2):280-2. doi: 10.1111/bjh.12204. Epub 2013 Jan 7.

Multiparameter DNA content analysis identifies distinct groups in primary breast cancer

J H S Dayal, M J Sales, W E Corver, C A Purdie, L B Jordan, P R Quinlan, L Baker, N T ter Haar, N R Pratt and A M Thompson.

British Journal of Cancer (2013) 108, 873–880. Published online 14 February 2013

In brief: cell senescence

P.J. Coates

Journal of Pathology (2013) 230, (3), pages 239-240 DOI: 10.1002/path.4182

Dysregulation of autophagy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with the small-molecule Sirtuin inhibitor Tenovin-6

S.F. MacCallum, M.J. Groves, J James, K Murray, V Appleyard, A.R. Prescott, A.A. Drbal, A. Nicolaou, J.Cunningham, S. Haydock, I.G. Ganley, N.J. Westwood, P.J. Coates, S. Lain & S. Tauro.

Scientific Reports | 3 : 1275 | Doi: 10.1038/Srep01275 Published14 February 2013

Heterogeneity of p53-pathway Protein Expression in Chemosensitive Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Pilot Study

Michael J Groves, Stephanie F MacCallum, Michael T Boylan, Sally Haydock, Joan Cunningham, Keith Gelly, Duncan Gowans, Ron Kerr, Philip J Coates, Sudhir Tauro

J Cancer (2012); 3: 354-361

Axillary lymph node core biopsy for breast cancer metastases - How many needle passes are enough?

E J Macaskill, C A Purdie, L B Jordan, D McLean, P Whelehan, D C Brown and A Evans

Clin Radiology (2012); 67(5): 417-419 [Epub 26 Nov 2011]

The C134W (402 C>G) FOXL2 mutation is absent in ovarian gynandroblastoma: insights into the genesis of an unusual tumour.

Oparka R, Cassidy A, Reilly S, Stenhouse A, McCluggage WG, Herrington CS.

Histopathology. 2012 Apr;60(5):838-42. Epub 2012 Feb 1

Fluorescence suppression using wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy in fiber-probe-based tissue analysis.

Praveen BB, Ashok PC, Mazilu M, Riches A, Herrington S, Dholakia K.

J Biomed Opt. 2012 Jul;17(7):077006.

Autoantibodies and decreased expression of the transcription factor ELF-3 together with increased chemokine pathways support an autoimmune phenotype and altered differentiation in lichen planus located in oral mucosa.

Danielsson K, Boldrup L, Rentoft M, Coates PJ, Ebrahimi M, Nylander E, Wahlin YB, Nylander K.

J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2012 Nov 8 [Epub ahead of print]

p63 transcriptionally regulates BNC1, a Pol I and Pol II transcription factor that regulates ribosomal biogenesis and epithelial differentiation

Linda Boldrup, Philip J. Coates, Göran Laurell, Karin Nylander,

European Journal of Cancer (2012) 48, (9) 1401–1406. Epub 2011 Jul 7

Transcriptional Profiling of Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissue: Pitfalls and Recommendations for Identifying Biologically Relevant Changes

Matilda Rentoft, Philip John Coates, Göran Laurell, Karin Nylander

PLoS 2012; 7(4):e35276. Epub 2012, April 17

Wnt5a Is Strongly Expressed at the Leading Edge in Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer, Forming Active Gradients, while Canonical Wnt Signalling Is Repressed

Celine Pourreyron, Louise Reilly, Charlotte Proby, Andrey Panteleyev, Colin Fleming, Kathleen McLean, Andrew P. South, John Foerster.

PLoS, 2012; 7 (2) e31827. Epub 2012 Feb 22

Both p110a and p110b isoforms of PI3K can modulate the impact of loss-of-function of the PTEN tumour suppressor

Inma M. Berenjeno, Julie Guillermet-Guibert,Wayne Pearce, Alexander Gray, Stewart Fleming, and Bart Vanhaesebroeck.

Biochem J. 2012 February 15; 442 (1): 151–159.

NT5E (CD73) is epigenetically regulated in malignant melanoma and associated with metastatic site specificity

H Wang, S Lee, C Lo Nigro, L Lattanzio, M Merlano, M Monteverde, R Matin, K Purdie, N Mladkova, D Bergamaschi, C Harwood, N Syed, P Szlosarek, E Briasoulis, A McHugh, A Thompson, A Evans, I Leigh, C Fleming, G J Inman, E Hatzimichael, C Proby and T Crook

British Journal of Cancer (2012) 106, 1446-1452 (10 April 2012)

NT5E CpG island methylation is a favourable breast cancer biomarker

C Lo Nigro, M Monteverde, S Lee, L Lattanzio, D Vivenza, A Comino, N Syed, A McHugh, H Wang, C Proby, O Garrone, M Merlano, E Hatzimichael, E Briasoulis, O Gojis, C Palmieri, L Jordan, P Quinlan, A Thompson and T Crook

British Journal of Cancer 107, 75-83 (26 June 2012)

Phenformin as prophylaxis and therapy in breast cancer xenografts

Appelyard MV, Murray KE, Wullschleger S., Bray SE, Kernohan NM, Fleming S, Alessi DR, Thompson AM

Br J Cancer (2012) 106 (6) 1117-1122 [Epub Feb 23 2012]

Immunohistochemical detection of Polo-like kinase-1 (PLK1) in primary breast cancer is associated with TP53 mutation and poor clinical outcome.

King SI, Purdie CA, Bray SE, Quinlan PR, Jordan LB, Thompson AM, Meek DW.

Breast Cancer Res (2012);14(2):R40.

Pre-treatment plasma proteomic markers associated with survival in oesophageal cancer

P Kelly, F Paulin, D Lamont, L Baker, S Clearly, D Exon and A Thompson

British Journal of Cancer (2012) 106, 955-961 (28 February 2012)

Molecular mechanisms linking adipokines to obesity related colon cancer: focus on leptin.

Janice E. Drew

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2012), 71(1) p175-180. Epub 2011 Oct 21

High Frequency of complex TP53 mutations in CNS metastases from breast cancer

Lo Nigro C, Vivenza D, Monteverde M, lattanzio L, Gojis O, garrone O, Comino A, Merlano M, Quinlan PR, Syed N, Shousha S, Purdie CA, Thompson A, Palmieri C, Crook T.

British Journal of Cancer (2012); 106(2): 397-404. [Epub 20 Dec 2011].

Individuality in FGF1 expression significantly influences platinum resistance and progression-free survival in ovarian cancer.

Smith G, Ng MT, Shepherd L, Herrington CS, Gourley C, Ferguson MJ, Wolf CR.

Br J Cancer. 2012 Oct 9;107(8):1327-36. Epub 2012 Sep 18.

Tissue confirmation of disease recurrence in breast cancer patients: Pooled analysis of multi-centre, multi-disciplinary prospective studies.

Eitan Amir, Mark Clemons, Colin A. Purdie, Naomi Miller, Phil Quinlan, William Geddie, Robert E. Coleman, Orit C. Freedman, Lee B. Jordan, Alastair M. Thompson.

Cancer Treat Rev (2012), 38(6):708-714 [Epub 16 Dec 2011]

Novel multiplex method to assess insulin, leptin and adiponectin regulation of inflammatory cytokines associated with colon cancer.

Farquharson AJ, Steele RJ, Carey FA Drew JE.

Mol Biol Reports (2012); 39(5):5727-5736. [Epub 23 Dec 2011]

The RNA helicase p68 (DDX5) is selectively required for the induction of p53-dependent p21 expression and cell-cycle arrest after DNA damage.

Nicol SM, Bray SE, Derek Black H, Lorimore SA, Wright EG, Lane DP, Meek DW, Coates PJ, Fuller-Pace FV.

Oncogene. 2012 Sep 17. doi: 10.1038/onc.2012.426. [Epub ahead of print]

Subsite-based alterations in miR-21, miR-125b, and miR-203 in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and correlation to important target proteins.

Boldrup L, Coates PJ, Wahlgren M, Laurell G, Nylander K.

J Carcinog. 2012;11:18. doi: 10.4103/1477-3163.104007. Epub 2012 Nov 28.

Migration Stimulating Factor (MSF): A Novel Biomarker of Breast Cancer Progression

Stéphane Perrier, Anne-Marie Woolston, Colin A Purdie, Syed Kazmi, Paul E Preece, Kevin J Davey, Seth L Schor and Ana M Schor.

Translational Medic S1:003. doi:10.4172/2161-1025.S1-003

An evolutionarily conserved, alternatively spliced, intron in the p68/DDX5 DEAD-box RNA helicase gene encodes a novel miRNA.

Moore HC, Johnston M, Nicol SM, Bourdon JC, Thompson AM, Hutvagner G, Fuller-Pace FV.

RNA (2011) 17(4): 555-62.

Comprehensive CYP2D6 genotype and adherence affect outcome in breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen monotherapy.

Thompson AM, Johnson A, Quinlan P, Hillman G, Fontecha M, Bray SE, Purdie CA, Jordan LB, Ferraldeschi R, Latif A, Hadfield KD, Clarke RB, Ashcroft L, Evans DG, Howell A, Nikoloff M, Lawrence J, Newman WG.

Breast Cancer Res Treat. (2011); 125(1): 279-287

Endoglin expression in breast tumor cells suppresses invasion and metastasis and correlates with improved clinical outcome.

Henry LA, Johnson DA, Sarrió D, Lee S, Quinlan PR, Crook T, Thompson AM, Reis-Filho JS, Isacke CM.

Oncogene. (2011); 30 (9): 1046-1058.

How moderate changes in Akt T-loop phosphorylation impact on tumorigenesis and insulin resistance

Wullschleger S, Sakamoto K, Johnstone L, Duce S, Fleming S, Alessi DR.

Dis Model Mech. 2011 Jan;4(1):95-103 Epub 2010 Oct 19.

Effect of PI3K- and mTOR-specific inhibitors on spontaneous B-cell follicular lymphomas in PTEN/LKB1-deficient mice

JM Garcia-Martinez, S Wullschleger, G Preston, S Guichard, S Fleming, DR Alessi and SL Duce.

Brit Journal of Cancer (2011); 104 (7): 1116-1125. Epub 15 Mar 2011

Integrative mRNA profiling comparing cultured primary cells with clinical samples reveals PLK1 and C20orf20 as therapeutic targets in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

SA Watt, C Pourreyron, K Purdie, C Hogan, CL Cole, N Foster, N Pratt, J-C Bourdon, V Appleyard, K Murray, A M Thompson, X Mao, C Mein, L Bruckner-Tuderman, A Evans, J A McGrath, CM Proby, J Foerster, IM Leigh and AP South

Oncogene (2011); 30 (46): 4666-4677

Absolute SILAC-Compatible Expression Strain Allows Sumo-2 Copy Number Determination in Clinical Samples.

Ivan Matic, Ellis G. Jaffray, Senga K. Oxenham, Michael J. Groves, Christopher L. R. Barratt, Sudhir Tauro, Nicola R. Stanley-Wall, and Ronald T. Hay.

J Proteome Res, 2011 October 7; 10(10): 4869–4875.

FGFR2 protein expression in breast cancer: nuclear localisation and correlation with patient genotype.

Amy J Martin, Andrew Grant, Alison M Ashfield, Colin N Palmer, Lee Baker, Philip R Quinlan, Colin A Purdie, Alastair M Thompson, Lee B Jordan and Jonathan N Berg

BMC Research Notes 2011, 4:72

Migration stimulation factor as a novel biomarker in salivary gland tumours.

Aljorani LE, Bankfalvi A, Carey FA, Harada K, Ohe G, Jones SJ, Ellis IR, Schor SL, Schor AM.

J Oral Pathol Med. 2011 Nov;40(10):747-54. Epub 2011 Apr 11.

Pyrosequencing based methods reveal marked interindividual differences in oncogene mutation burden in human colorectal tumours

Weidlich S, Walsh K, Crowther D, Burczynski ME, Feuerstein G, Carey FA, Steele RJ, Wolf CR, Miele G, Smith G.

Br J Cancer 2011 Jul 12;105(2):246-54

p53 mutant breast cancer patients expressing p53gamma have as good prognosis as wild-type p53 breast cancer patients.

Bourdon JC, Khoury MP, Diot A, Baker L, Fernandes K, Aboubala M, Quinlan P, Purdie C, Jordan L, Prats AC, Lane DP, Thompson A.

Breast Cancer Research (2011); 13(1): R7.

A Pin1/mutant p53 axis promotes aggressiveness in breast cancer.

Girardini JE, Napoli M, Piazza S, Rustighi A, Marotta C, Radaelli E, Capaci V, Jordan L, Quinlan P, Thompson A, Mano M, Rosato A, Crook T, Scanziani E, Means AR, Lozano G, Schneider C, Del Sal G.

Cancer Cell (2011); 20 (1): 79-91.

Evidence for biological effect of metformin in operable breast cancer: a pre-operative, window of opportunity, randomized trial.

Hadad S, Iwamoto T, Jordan L, Purdie C, Bray S, Baker L, Jellema G, Deharo S, Hardie DG, Pusztai L, Moulder-Thompson S, Dewar JA, Thompson AM

Breast Cancer Res Treat (2011); 128 (3): 783-794

The EORTC 10041/BIG 03-04 MINDACT trial is feasible: Results of the pilot phase.

Rutgers E, Piccart-Gebhart MJ, Bogaerts J, Delaloge S, Veer LV, Rubio IT, Viale G, Thompson AM, Passalacqua R, Nitz U, Vindevoghel A, Pierga JY, Ravdin PM, Werutsky G, Cardoso F.

Eur J Cancer (2011) 47(18): 2742-9.[Epub 1 Nov 2011]

Bacterial translocation in cirrhosis is not caused by an abnormal small bowel gut microbiota

Helen Steed, George T. Macfarlane, Katie L. Blackett, Sandra Macfarlane*, Michael H Miller, Bahram Bahrami, John F. Dillon

Immunology & Medical Microbiology (2011) 63(3) 346–354, December 2011

Differences in p63 expression in SCCHN tumours of different sub-sites within the oral cavity

Linda Boldrupa, Philip J. Coates, Göran Laurell, Karin Nylander

Oral Oncology (2011) 47, (9), 861–865.

Immunohistochemical localization of cellular NFATc1 does not predict clinical responses to ciclosporin in subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Tauro S, Maccallum S, Groves MJ, Rojnuckarin P, Assanasen T, Feldman AL, Robson A, Marschalkó M, Kini H, Alzolibani AA, Al Robaee A, Al Shobaili HA, Alfawzan S, Goodlad JR, Kernohan N, Hummel M, Sterry W, Assaf C.

Br J Dermatol. (2010) 162(4), 887-9.

High CCND1 amplification identifies a group of poor prognosis women with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.

Roy PG, Pratt N, Purdie CA, Baker L, Ashfield A, Quinlan P, Thompson AM.

Int J Cancer. (2010) 127(2), 355-60.

Polymorphisms in xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes and diet influence colorectal adenoma risk

Northwood EL, Elliott F, Forman D, Barrett JH, Wilkie MJ, Carey FA, Steele RJ, Wolf R, Bishop T, Smith G.

Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2010;20(5):315-26

Spindle orientation bias in gut epithelial stem cell compartments is lost in precancerous tissue.

Quyn AJ, Appleton PL, Carey FA, Steele RJ, Barker N, Clevers H, Ridgway RA, Sansom OJ, Näthke IS.

Cell Stem Cell. 2010;6(2):175-81.

Prospective comparison of switches in biomarker status between primary and recurrent breast cancer: the Breast Recurrence In Tissues Study (BRITS)

Alastair M Thompson, Lee B Jordan, Philip Quinlan, Elizabeth Anderson, Anthony Skene, John A Dewar, Colin A Purdie, the Breast Recurrence in Tissues Study Group

Breast Cancer Research 2010, 12:R92

Activation of PPARβ/δ Causes a Psoriasis-Like Skin Disease In Vivo

Romanowska M, Reilly L, Palmer CN, Gustafsson MC, Foerster J.

PLoS One. 2010 Mar 16;5(3):e9701.

Discrimination of normal from pre-malignant cervical tissue by Raman mapping of de-paraffinized histological tissue sections.

Tan KM, Herrington CS, Brown CT.

J Biophotonics (2010); 4 (1-2): 40-48

The RNA helicase p68 modulates expression and function of the Delta133 isoform(s) of p53, and is inversely associated with Delta133p53 expression in breast cancer.

Moore HC, Jordan LB, Bray SE, Baker L, Quinlan PR, Purdie CA, Thompson AM, Bourdon JC, Fuller-Pace FV.

Oncogene. (2010) [Epub ahead of print]

p53 mutation, deprivation and poor prognosis in primary breast cancer.

Baker L, Quinlan PR, Patten N, Ashfield A, Birse-Stewart-Bell LJ, McCowan C, Bourdon JC, Purdie CA, Jordan LB, Dewar JA, Wu L, Thompson AM.

Br J Cancer. (2010) 102(4), 719-26.

Activating K-Ras mutations outwith hotspot codons in sporadic colorectal tumours - implications for personalised cancer medicine.

Smith G, Bounds R, Wolf H, Steele RJ, Carey FA, Wolf CR.

Br J Cancer (2010) 102(4), 693-703.

Gene expression in colorectal neoplasia: modifications induced by tissue ischaemic time and tissue handling protocol.

Bray SE, Paulin FE, Fong SC, Baker L, Carey FA, Levison DA, Steele RJ, Kernohan NM.

Histopathology (2010) 56(2), 240-50.

Role of the WNK-activated SPAK kinase in regulating blood pressure.

Rafiqi FH, Zuber AM, Glover M, Richardson C, Fleming S, Jovanovic S, Jovanovic A, O Shaughnessy KM, Alessi DR.

EMBO Mol Med. (2010) 2(2), 63-75.

Sds22 regulates aurora B activity and microtubule-kinetochore interactions at mitosis.

Posch M, Khoudoli GA, Swift S, King EM, Deluca JG, Swedlow JR.

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The prolyl 3-hydroxylases P3H2 and P3H3 are novel targets for epigenetic silencing in breast cancer.

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Histological evaluation of AMPK signalling in primary breast cancer

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The RNA helicase p68 is a novel androgen receptor coactivator involved in splicing and is overexpressed in prostate cancer.

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A candidate molecular signature associated with tamoxifen failure in primary breast cancer.

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Cell-Cycle Control Protein Expression Is Disrupted in Anogenital Condylomata Infected

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Chromosomal changes in colorectal adenomas: Relationship to gene mutation and potential for clinical utility.

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Lesions resembling Langerhans cell histiocytosis in association with other lymphoproliferative disorders: a reactive or neoplastic phenomenon?

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Epidermal stem cells and cancer stem cells: Insights into cancer and potential therapeutic strategies

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Epidermal stem cells and cancer stem cells: Insights into cancer and potential therapeutic strategies

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+ Older Posters (click to show/hide)

Biomarker profiling of precancerous and cancerous gene targets using a custom designed novel gene expression assay

Vase HF, Farquharson FA, Steele RJC, Ross RA, Bunton DC, Drew JE.

SET for BRITAIN 2011 14th March Biological and Biomedical Sciences Session. House of Commons, London, UK

Cytogenetic abnormalities associated with p53 mutation in primary breast cancers

Jasbani Dayal, Norman Pratt, Mark Sales, Colin Purdie, Philip Quinlan, Lee Baker, Michael Boylan, Gordon Hislop, Natalja Terhaar, Willem Corver, Alastair Thompson

Poster presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool 2010.

Apoptosis in Follicular Lymphoma Divided by t(14:18)(q32;q21) Status

P Doig, T; Marjenberg, D; Dunbar, D; Sales, M; Pratt, N; Batstone, P; Goodlad, J

Paper at Summer 2010 198th Scientific Meeting of the Pathological Society of Great Britain & Ireland

Novel therapeutics targeting the endocannabinoid system in GI inflammation and cancer

Vase HF, Farquharson FA, Steele RJC, Ross RA, Bunton DC, Drew JE.

SULSA Symposium, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, 7th June 2010. AWARDED BEST TRANSLATIONAL BIOLOGY POSTER

Significant cytogenetic change associated with the der(1;16) rearrangement in primary breast cancers.

Jasbani Dayal, Mark Sales, Lee Baker, Philip Quinlan, Colin Purdie, Michael Boylan, Joan Cunningham, Willem Corver, Natalja Terhaar, Norman Pratt, Alastair Thompson

Poster presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool 2010.

Identification of differentially expressed genes associated with tumour histology, disease progression and treatment response in human ovarian tumours

Lynne Shepherd, Mike Ng, Michelle Ferguson, Dana Faratian, Charlie Gourley, David Harrison, Simon Langdon, Roland Wolf, Gillian Smith

Poster presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool 2010.

Analysis of the BRCA1 promoter polymorphism, rs11655505, as a breast cancer risk factor in the Tayside Breast Cancer Cohort.

H. Talbot, L. Jordan, C. Purdie, A. Ashfield, P. Quinlan, A. Martin, L. Baker, R. Tavendale, A. Thompson, J. Berg

Poster presentation American Society of Clinical Oncology, Breast Cancer Symposium (2009)

Oncogenic actions of WT1.

Mary Gallacher.

Post-grad symposium, 2009

Expression of replication licensing factors in invasive breast cancer.

P.G.Roy, C.A. Purdie, G. Thomson, J.J.Blow, A.M.Thompson.

Poster presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Birmingham. October 2006.

Preservation of RNA integrity and morphology in surgical tissue.

S.E. Bray, F.E.M. Paulin, S.C.Fong, D.A.Levison, R.J.S.Steele.

Poster presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Birmingham. October 2006.

An informatics infrastructure to support tissue banking and research.


Poster presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Birmingham. October 2006.

Operating a Tissue Bank for translational research.

S.E.Bray, S.J.Chalmers, P. Quinlan, N.M.Kernohan, D.B.Kellock, D A Levison.

Poster presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Birmingham. October 2006.

On the practicalities of translational radiobiology: lessons from IORT(intra operative radiotherapy)

J Gardner, CY Ackland, AJ Munro, IW Sanders, AM Thompson, JS Vaidya, DC Brown, MM Reis, SJ Cole, L Walton, S Chalmers, DA Wilton, DB Kellock, CA Purdie, LB Jordan, K Armoogum, CD Mackay.

Poster presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Birmingham. October 2006.

Prognostic value of cyclin D1 amplification in ER positive breast cancers.

P.G.Roy, C.A.Purdie, K.M.Rooney, G. Thomson, N. Pratt, A.M.Thompson.

BOA YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Birmingham. October 2006.

Scotin gene is frequently mutated or aberrantly expressed in breast tumours.

J-C Bourdon, A Diot, K.Fernandes, A. Thompson, D. Lane.

Poster presentation NCRI Cancer Conference, Birmingham. October 2006.

Multispectral Analysis of Unstained Human Tissue Using Optical Projection Tomography (OPT)

L. Mitchell, G. Boyd, S. Wedden,J. Sharpe# & K. Robertson.

Poster 2006

Follicular Lymphoma lacking t(14;18)(q32;q21)constitute a clinicopathological subtype.

J.R.Goodlad, P J Batstone, D.Hamilton, N.M.Kernohan, D.A.Levison, J.M.White

Poster presentation British Division of the International Academy of Pathology and the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. July 2005

Mutation and Tissue Micoarray Analysis of Tumour Suppressor Genes and Cell Cycle-Related Proteins in Colorectal Cancer.

K. E. Robertson, A. Conlin, J.Miller, G. Smith, R.J.C.Steele, C.R.Wolf, D.A.Levison, F.A.Carey

Poster presentation British Division of the International Academy of Pathology and the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. July 2005

Grade, BCL2 gene abnormality and expression and clinical relevance in Follicular Lymphoma.

J.R.Goodlad, P J Batstone, D.Hamilton, L, Forsyth, M.J.Sales, N.R.Pratt, N.M.Kernohan, D.A.Levison, J.M.White

Poster presentation British Division of the International Academy of Pathology and the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. July 2005

Induction of Apoptosis by leptomycin B in keratinocytes expressing HPV genes is mediated by high-risk E7 expression.

L.J.Grey, P Bjelogrlic, C.Jolly, M. MacRobbie, G.Thomson, S.Lain, C.S.Herrington

Poster presentation British Division of the International Academy of Pathology and the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. July 2005

Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis-Like Lesions in Association with other Lymphoproliferative Disorders: A Reactive or Neoplastic Phenomenon?

L.J.Christie, A.T.Evans, S.Bray, M.Smith, N.M.Kernohan, D.A.Levison, J.Goodlad

Poster presentation British Division of the International Academy of Pathology and the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. July 2005

CRUK First Young Researchers Entente Cordiale Proteomics Workshop.

J Wardrop, M Nashed, FEM Paulin, C Ward, S Brown, J Yu, R Wolf, DP Lane, EM Rankin.

Oral presentation June 2004 Paris France

MRC/CRUK Tayside Tissue Tumour Bank

George Thomson

Poster presentation Scottish Association of Histotechnology March 2004

Study of the p53 pathway in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in response to doxorubicin treatment.

N Nashed, G Thomson F Paulin, J Wardrop, E M Rankin and D P Lane.

CRUK Regional Meeting Edinburgh August 2004

Stem Cell specific (p63alpha-deltaN) post transitional modifications of the tumour suppressor p53 following UVR

Poster presentation BACR October 2004