Service Requests

The Tayside Biorepository is able to provide a range of services to assist researchers with their investigations.
Procedures available include:
- embedding and cutting sections
- standard histological staining
- immunohistochemistry (IHC)
- nucleic acid extraction
- protein extraction
- generation of Tissue Microarrays
Service Request submission process
All applications for services must be made via this website.For the Tayside Tissue Bank, if a researcher does not already have one, they should first request a unique user account by clicking on the "Create account" facility, above. They will be required to provide their name, the name and address of their institution and their contact details including email address; they will provide a Tissue Bank user name and password.
After providing those details an account will be set up, and the researcher will be able to log on to the website, select "Requests" and "Create a Service Request". In addition to the default details that are displayed, a Service Request requires the following information to be submitted:

- Researchers telephone number / extension number
- Cost Centre
- Preferred completion date (to provide an indication of urgency)
- Number of samples submitted (if applicable)
- Responsible pathologist (if applicable)
- Identification number(s) of the specimens to be used (Specimen IDs)
- Nature of request (e.g. Paraffin embedding, Immunohistochemistry, RNA extraction, etc)
- Full description of the services required
- Grant number or funder
- Any other relevant information
For example: If the service required includes Immunohistochemistry then the name and source of the antibodies should be provided, together with the dilution at which they are to be used and the nature/ source of any suitable positive control material. If this information cannot be provided then the researcher should contact TBR personnel to discuss the best way of determining this information.
After clicking on the Submit Service Request button the request is submitted and an email is sent to relevant TTB personnel alerting them to the request.